Why Signature Verification in OpenPGP is hard
Signature Verification in OpenPGP is hard. Here is why.
PGPainless 0.1.0 released
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash After two years and a dozen alpha versions I am very glad to announce the first stable release of PGPainless, a library that makes using OpenPGP fun again!
Install Jitsi-Meet alongside ejabberd
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash I got Jitsi Meet working with my ejabberd installation. This is how I did it. #xmpp #jitsi #jitsimeet #meeting #videoconference #conference
Smack: Some more busy nights and 12 bytes of IV
Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash In the last months I stayed up late some nights, so I decided to add some additional features to Smack.
Re: The Ecosystem is Moving
Moxie Marlinspike gave a talk at 36C3 that misrepresented decentralized systems. This is my opinion regarding his arguments.
On “Clean Architecture”
Photo by Alex wong on Unsplash I’m currently reading Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin. These are my thought so far.
Closer Look at the Double Ratchet
In this post I try to explain the Double Ratchet Algorithm that drives the cryptography behind OMEMO and Signal. This is the second part of my series about the crypto behind OMEMO.
Shaking Hands With OMEMO: X3DH Key Exchange
In this blog post I take a detailed look at how the Extended Triple Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (X3DH) works. This algorithm is part of the cryptography that drives OMEMO.
A look at Matrix.org’s OLM | MEGOLM encryption protocol
In this post I take a closer look on how matrix.org’s crypto protocols olm/megolm compare to the OMEMO protocol.
I am up to no good.
Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash Yet another German CDU politician wants to ban Tor. How is this party