Shaking Hands With OMEMO: X3DH Key Exchange
In this blog post I take a detailed look at how the Extended Triple Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (X3DH) works. This algorithm is part of the cryptography that drives OMEMO.
Another Step to a Google-free Life
Today I * registered an account at mailbox.org * changed my mail address to username+service@mailbox.org on all the services I use * decoupled and deleted YouTube from my Google Account Yay!
A look at Matrix.org’s OLM | MEGOLM encryption protocol
In this post I take a closer look on how matrix.org’s crypto protocols olm/megolm compare to the OMEMO protocol.
I Love Free Software Day 2019
Today is I Love Free Software Day! Time to thank the developers of your favorite free software!
Brussels Day 1 and 2
The XSF summit is over. Next will be FOSDEM.
Unified Encrypted Payload Elements for XMPP
An envelope hiding the original message – Image by Bru-nO This is a proposal to extract the element encryption principle from OpenPGP for XMPP to make it applicable to other encryption protocols.
Join the Fediverse!
vanitasvitae’s blog is now part of the fediverse!
QR-Code Generator for OMEMO
I wrote a small tool that generates QR-Codes for OMEMO fingerprints.
Future of OMEMO
OMEMO brought many new faces to XMPP. However, there is quite a lot of controversy around it. Part of it are technical discussions, others are more or less of a political nature. Let me list some of them for you.
Summer of Code: Smack has OpenPGP Support!
I am very proud to announce, that Smack got support for OpenPGP for XMPP!