Closer Look at the Double Ratchet
In this post I try to explain the Double Ratchet Algorithm that drives the cryptography behind OMEMO and Signal. This is the second part of my series about the crypto behind OMEMO.
Shaking Hands With OMEMO: X3DH Key Exchange
In this blog post I take a detailed look at how the Extended Triple Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (X3DH) works. This algorithm is part of the cryptography that drives OMEMO.
Unified Encrypted Payload Elements for XMPP
This is a proposal to extract the element encryption principle from OpenPGP for XMPP to make it applicable to other encryption protocols.
QR-Code Generator for OMEMO
I wrote a small tool that generates QR-Codes for OMEMO fingerprints.
Starting to use the Fellowship Card
I recently became a fellow of the FSFE and so I received a nice letter containing the FSFE fellowship OpenPGP smartcard. After a quick visual examination I approved the card to be *damn cool*, even though the portrait format of the print of it still confuses me when I look at it. I especially like,…