Closer Look at the Double Ratchet
In this post I try to explain the Double Ratchet Algorithm that drives the cryptography behind OMEMO and Signal. This is the second part of my series about the crypto behind OMEMO.
Shaking Hands With OMEMO: X3DH Key Exchange
In this blog post I take a detailed look at how the Extended Triple Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (X3DH) works. This algorithm is part of the cryptography that drives OMEMO.
A look at Matrix.org’s OLM | MEGOLM encryption protocol
In this post I take a closer look on how matrix.org’s crypto protocols olm/megolm compare to the OMEMO protocol.
Unified Encrypted Payload Elements for XMPP
An envelope hiding the original message – Image by Bru-nO This is a proposal to extract the element encryption principle from OpenPGP for XMPP to make it applicable to other encryption protocols.
Future of OMEMO
OMEMO brought many new faces to XMPP. However, there is quite a lot of controversy around it. Part of it are technical discussions, others are more or less of a political nature. Let me list some of them for you.
Summer of Code: Smack has OpenPGP Support!
I am very proud to announce, that Smack got support for OpenPGP for XMPP!
Summer of Code: Finalizing the PR
Quick update: Only a few days are left until the last and final Evaluation Phase. I spent the week opening my pull request against Smacks master branch and adding a basic trust management implementation. Now the user is required to make decisions whether to trust a contacts key or not. However, the storage implementation is…
Summer of Code: First PGPainless Release!
I’m very happy and proud to announce the first alpha release of PGPainless! PGPainless 0.0.1-alpha1 is the first non-snapshot release and is available from maven central. It was an interesting experience to go through the process of creating a release and I’m looking forward to have many more releases in the future 🙂 The current…
Summer of Code: Plan for the grand finale
I passed the second evaluation phase 🙂 Now begins the final spurt, as the last month of GSoC has begun. My main goal can be summarized as follows: Get everything merged! To get that done, I have to polish up my smack-openpgp branch which has grown to a size of 7000 loc. There are still…
Summer of Code: Second evaluation phase
Quite some time has passed since I bothered you with my last post 🙂 A lot has happened since, I have been making steady process in both smack-openpgp, as well as pgpainless. One big step that I took was to get rid of smack-openpgp-bouncycastle, which now has been merged into smack-openpgp. Having modular code may…