Summer of Code: Command Line OX Client!

As I stated earlier, I am working on a small XMPP command line test client, which is capable of sending and receiving OpenPGP encrypted messages. I just published a first version 🙂

Creating command line clients with Smack is super easy. You basically just create a connection, instantiate the manager classes of features you want to use and create some kind of read-execute-print-loop.
Last year I demonstrated how to create an OMEMO-capable client in 200 lines of code. The new client follows pretty much the same scheme.

The client offers some basic features like adding contacts to the roster, as well as obviously OX related features like displaying fingerprints, generation, restoration and backup of key pairs and of course encryption and decryption of messages. Note that up to this point I haven’t implemented any form of trust management. For now, my implementation considers all keys whose fingerprints are published in the metadata node as trusted.

You can find the client here. Feel free to try it out, instructions on how to build it are also found in the repository.

Happy Hacking!

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