Creating an OpenPGP Web-of-Trust Implementation – Knitting a Net
A densely interconnected directed graph forming the Web-of-Trust. Photo by Ricardo Resende on Unsplash I imagine the Web-of-Trust as an old, half-rotten fishing net (bear with me); There are knobbly knots, which may or may not be connected to neighboring knots through yarn of different thickness. Some knots are well-connected with others, as ye olde fisherman did some repair work on the net, while other knots or even whole…
PGPainless 0.2 Released!
I’m very proud and excited to announce the release of PGPainless version 0.2! Among the major improvements are proper signature verification and a new encryption API.
Why Signature Verification in OpenPGP is hard
Signature Verification in OpenPGP is hard. Here is why.
Closer Look at the Double Ratchet
In this post I try to explain the Double Ratchet Algorithm that drives the cryptography behind OMEMO and Signal. This is the second part of my series about the crypto behind OMEMO.