Europe Trip Journal – Entry 5: Bonsoir
This morning I extended my stay in La Rochelle for another day. The night was relatively quiet, since in my 6-bed dormitory only one other bed had been booked. So after a good night of sleep I went to get some breakfast and then straight to the reception to book another night.
Europe Trip Journal – Entry 3&4: Nantes & La Rochelle
This post is a little bit delayed. Yesterday, after having a petit-dej’ with a room mate I took the metro to get to the train station for my next journey. I tried capturing the atmosphere in the metro with a sound recording.
Europe Trip Journal – Entry 2: Away-From-Home-Office
Today I followed the advice of some friends and checked out places they recommended. First I went to visit the Notre Dame, which is unfortunately currently closed for visitors to enter. So instead everyone had to gaze at it from behind a construction fence.
Europe Trip Journal – Entry 1: Vertigo
When I arrived at Gare du Nord, Paris welcomed me perhaps a bit rejective. I had the feeling the city knew that I was the stranger. The people rushed by, not caring about me and the only people that approached me were beggars asking for money. So I was a bit lost, wandering through the…
Europe Trip Journal – Entry 0: Learning Curve
Today was the first day of my one month-long journey through Europe. And what better place to start than the capital of Europe – Brussels. At roughly 16:00 I arrived at station Bruxelles-Midi after changing the train in Cologne.
Europe Trip Journal – Entry -1: The Day Before
Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash I’m going on a one-month long trip through Europe! Yesterday I bought a train ticket worth 30 days of travel time, so now it’s set in stone – or rather in some very expensive digital bits – that I’m going. The last time I’ve been on vacation was during my bachelor studies a few years…