A Simple OpenPGP API
In this post I demonstrate how easy it is to perform OpenPGP operations in your application by using the SOP API.
PGPainless 0.2 Released!
I’m very proud and excited to announce the release of PGPainless version 0.2! Among the major improvements are proper signature verification and a new encryption API.
PGPainless 0.1.0 released
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash After two years and a dozen alpha versions I am very glad to announce the first stable release of PGPainless, a library that makes using OpenPGP fun again!
OMEMO Specification Sprint
Photo by Sebastian Pena Lambarri on Unsplash The past weekend some members of the XMPP community gathered in Düsseldorf to work on the next iteration of the OMEMO End to End Encryption Specification. All of us agree that the result – version 0.4 of XEP-0384 – is a huge step forward and better than ever!
Re: The Ecosystem is Moving
Moxie Marlinspike gave a talk at 36C3 that misrepresented decentralized systems. This is my opinion regarding his arguments.
On “Clean Architecture”
Photo by Alex wong on Unsplash I’m currently reading Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin. These are my thought so far.
Dealing with Colors in lower Android versions
I wrote a little helper class to deal with colors in Android API levels < 26.
Another Step to a Google-free Life
Today I * registered an account at mailbox.org * changed my mail address to username+service@mailbox.org on all the services I use * decoupled and deleted YouTube from my Google Account Yay!
A look at Matrix.org’s OLM | MEGOLM encryption protocol
In this post I take a closer look on how matrix.org’s crypto protocols olm/megolm compare to the OMEMO protocol.
More Languages to the F-Droid Planet?
You may know about Planet F-Droid, a feed aggregator that aims to collect the blogs of many free Android projects in one place. Currently all of the registered blogs are written in English (as is this post, so if you know someone who might be concerned by the matter below and is not able to…