Europe Trip Journal – Entry 2: Away-From-Home-Office
Today I followed the advice of some friends and checked out places they recommended. First I went to visit the Notre Dame, which is unfortunately currently closed for visitors to enter. So instead everyone had to gaze at it from behind a construction fence.
Europe Trip Journal – Entry 1: Vertigo
When I arrived at Gare du Nord, Paris welcomed me perhaps a bit rejective. I had the feeling the city knew that I was the stranger. The people rushed by, not caring about me and the only people that approached me were beggars asking for money. So I was a bit lost, wandering through the…
Europe Trip Journal – Entry 0: Learning Curve
Today was the first day of my one month-long journey through Europe. And what better place to start than the capital of Europe – Brussels. At roughly 16:00 I arrived at station Bruxelles-Midi after changing the train in Cologne.
Europe Trip Journal – Entry -1: The Day Before
Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash I’m going on a one-month long trip through Europe! Yesterday I bought a train ticket worth 30 days of travel time, so now it’s set in stone – or rather in some very expensive digital bits – that I’m going. The last time I’ve been on vacation was during my bachelor studies a few years…
Peace at any cost?
Peace is universally a good thing. War on the other hand is universally bad. At least that was my idealistic view for my entire life. But something is different now.
I’m thinking of you
What words do you write to those in a war zone? Do you ask them how they are? Do you wish them luck? Do you try to cheer them up by telling them that they have your support? Do you share news from your side of the propaganda-trench with them? Do you write to them…
PGPainless 1.0.0 Released!
Close to the end of 2021 I’m excited to announce the release of PGPainless version 1.0.0! I feel like it finally reached a state of sufficient maturity to be worthy of a major release with a “1” at the front.
A Simple OpenPGP API
In this post I demonstrate how easy it is to perform OpenPGP operations in your application by using the SOP API.
How to reach craftsmanship?
Sometimes I feel like I code just as I play the violin. By instinct. I’m not following any rules or well defined procedures. I roughly know where I want to go and more or less how to get there. Then I just start and see where it leads me.
PGPainless 0.2 Released!
I’m very proud and excited to announce the release of PGPainless version 0.2! Among the major improvements are proper signature verification and a new encryption API.