Europe Trip Journal – Entry -1: The Day Before
Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash I’m going on a one-month long trip through Europe! Yesterday I bought a train ticket worth 30 days of travel time, so now it’s set in stone – or rather in some very expensive digital bits – that I’m going. The last time I’ve been on vacation was during my bachelor studies a few years…
Europe Trip Journal – Entry 0: Learning Curve
Today was the first day of my one month-long journey through Europe. And what better place to start than the capital of Europe – Brussels. At roughly 16:00 I arrived at station Bruxelles-Midi after changing the train in Cologne.
Europe Trip Journal – Entry 1: Vertigo
When I arrived at Gare du Nord, Paris welcomed me perhaps a bit rejective. I had the feeling the city knew that I was the stranger. The people rushed by, not caring about me and the only people that approached me were beggars asking for money. So I was a bit lost, wandering through the…
Europe Trip Journal – Entry 2: Away-From-Home-Office
Today I followed the advice of some friends and checked out places they recommended. First I went to visit the Notre Dame, which is unfortunately currently closed for visitors to enter. So instead everyone had to gaze at it from behind a construction fence.
Europe Trip Journal – Entry 3&4: Nantes & La Rochelle
This post is a little bit delayed. Yesterday, after having a petit-dej’ with a room mate I took the metro to get to the train station for my next journey. I tried capturing the atmosphere in the metro with a sound recording.
Europe Trip Journal – Entry 5: Bonsoir
This morning I extended my stay in La Rochelle for another day. The night was relatively quiet, since in my 6-bed dormitory only one other bed had been booked. So after a good night of sleep I went to get some breakfast and then straight to the reception to book another night.
Europe Trip Journal – Entry 6: Laundry Day
Today I had a thought: You cannot run away from being lonely. Besides some short exceptions, I haven’t really met anyone yet during my travel. The only people I really talked to were friends and family on the phone. Am I lonely? Maybe. But that’s okay for now, I guess.
Europe Trip Journal – Entry 7: Mosquitos
My next stop was Narbonne. Originally I wanted to go from Bordeaux directly to Spain, but there were no train connections. So instead the Interrail app recommended me to cross France to the East to go to Narbonne and then from there South to enter Spain. So that was the plan for today. Unfortunately the…
Europe Trip Journal – Entry 8: Perpignan
After spending the night in the hostel in Narbonne, I checked my phone for connections to Barcelona. One suggestion was to go from Narbonne to Port-Bou which is just a few kilometers from the border, already in Spain and to continue from there. During my ride on the train, I checked again and it suggested…