Use Any SOP Binary With SOP-Java and External-SOP
I just released another library named external-sop, which implements sop-java and allows the user to use any SOP CLI application of their choice from within their Java / Kotlin application!
Using Pushdown Automata to verify Packet Sequences
As a software developer, most of my work day is spent working practically by coding and hacking away. Recently though I stumbled across an interesting problem which required another, more theoretical approach…
Creating a Web-of-Trust Implementation: Certify Keys with PGPainless
Currently I am working on a Web-of-Trust implementation for the OpenPGP library PGPainless. Technically, the WoT consists of a graph where the nodes are OpenPGP keys (certificates) with User-IDs and the edges are signatures. In order to be able to create a WoT, users need to be able to sign other users certificates to create…
PGPainless 1.0.0 Released!
Close to the end of 2021 I’m excited to announce the release of PGPainless version 1.0.0! I feel like it finally reached a state of sufficient maturity to be worthy of a major release with a “1” at the front.
Progress on PGPainless Development
Photo by Raphael Koh on Unsplash Not much time has passed since I last wrote about my progress on the PGPainless library. However, I feel like its time for an update.
PGPainless 0.2 Released!
I’m very proud and excited to announce the release of PGPainless version 0.2! Among the major improvements are proper signature verification and a new encryption API.
Why Signature Verification in OpenPGP is hard
Signature Verification in OpenPGP is hard. Here is why.
PGPainless 0.1.0 released
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash After two years and a dozen alpha versions I am very glad to announce the first stable release of PGPainless, a library that makes using OpenPGP fun again!
OMEMO Specification Sprint
Photo by Sebastian Pena Lambarri on Unsplash The past weekend some members of the XMPP community gathered in Düsseldorf to work on the next iteration of the OMEMO End to End Encryption Specification. All of us agree that the result – version 0.4 of XEP-0384 – is a huge step forward and better than ever!
Pitfalls for OMEMO Implementations – Part 1: Inactive Devices
Person holding a magnifying glass onto a text book In this post I want to discuss, what can go wrong when implementing OMEMO encryption and how the pitfalls can be avoided.