PGPainless 1.0.0 Released!
Close to the end of 2021 I’m excited to announce the release of PGPainless version 1.0.0! I feel like it finally reached a state of sufficient maturity to be worthy of a major release with a “1” at the front.
A Simple OpenPGP API
In this post I demonstrate how easy it is to perform OpenPGP operations in your application by using the SOP API.
Progress on PGPainless Development
Photo by Raphael Koh on Unsplash Not much time has passed since I last wrote about my progress on the PGPainless library. However, I feel like its time for an update.
PGPainless 0.2 Released!
I’m very proud and excited to announce the release of PGPainless version 0.2! Among the major improvements are proper signature verification and a new encryption API.
Why Signature Verification in OpenPGP is hard
Signature Verification in OpenPGP is hard. Here is why.
PGPainless 0.1.0 released
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash After two years and a dozen alpha versions I am very glad to announce the first stable release of PGPainless, a library that makes using OpenPGP fun again!
Unified Encrypted Payload Elements for XMPP
An envelope hiding the original message – Image by Bru-nO This is a proposal to extract the element encryption principle from OpenPGP for XMPP to make it applicable to other encryption protocols.
Summer of Code: Smack has OpenPGP Support!
I am very proud to announce, that Smack got support for OpenPGP for XMPP!
Summer of Code: Finalizing the PR
Quick update: Only a few days are left until the last and final Evaluation Phase. I spent the week opening my pull request against Smacks master branch and adding a basic trust management implementation. Now the user is required to make decisions whether to trust a contacts key or not. However, the storage implementation is…
Summer of Code: First PGPainless Release!
I’m very happy and proud to announce the first alpha release of PGPainless! PGPainless 0.0.1-alpha1 is the first non-snapshot release and is available from maven central. It was an interesting experience to go through the process of creating a release and I’m looking forward to have many more releases in the future 🙂 The current…