Tag: france

  • Europe Trip Journal – Entry 29: Prepare for Reentry

    Today I got up a bit earlier than yesterday, meaning I had to actually pay for breakfast again ;). Unfortunately the coffee was already running out, so I only got a single cup which had to do it. Milk was also empty, so no cereals this time. Well, there was yogurt as a worthy replacement.

  • Europe Trip Journal – Entry 28: The Above and the Beneath

    In retrospect I realize that during my trip I have made lots of photos of churches and cathedrals, even though I’m not a religious person. I believe that many problems of society are directly or indirectly caused by religious fanaticism, ideology and authoritarianism, hence I’m not a big fan. My philosophy is that if you…

  • Europe Trip Journal – Entry 27: Oh Champs-Élysées

    Yesterday I had some breakfast in my hostel and after that I took the metro to the Châtelet station which is close to the Seine. When I was in Paris near the start of my trip (which is almost 4 weeks ago at this point) I had walked down the riverside path of the Seine…

  • Europe Trip Journal – Entry 23: A Hike and a Hat

    Wandering though a passage way, I came across a store that sold French hats. Since this was expected to be my last stay in France on this tour, it was now or never, so I entered the shop and ended up buying a hat. Surely, with this hat I would perfectly blend in with the…

  • Europe Trip Journal – Entry 22: Drowsy and Annoyed

    Today was a rather slow day. I got up at 8:20 to get breakfast at the hostel. This time they had bread \o/. I was the only one eating there, everybody else (there was a group of elderly people staying at the place too) must have gotten theirs already. At some point C. came down…

  • Europe Trip Journal – Entry 21: Ferris Wheels and Train Tickets

    This morning I got up at 8:00 which is an hour earlier than during the rest of the trip – and lets not talk about my usual sleep schedule. The reason was that breakfast was served from 7:00 to 9:00 in the hostel. J. and me arrived at 8:15 or so and to my disappointment…

  • Europe Trip Journal – Entry 19 – 20: Tranquility

    The sun was slowly starting to set and was sending its warm, friendly beams my way. Birds were singing and the tall grass was ticking my legs. A pleasant warm summer breeze was carrying the distant, muffled sounds of the city which was slowing down after the day. It was a summer evening in France.…

  • Europe Trip Journal – Entry 18: Change of Plans

    During the night, another guest of the hostel in Barcelona decided that at 3:00 it would be the perfect time to wash his laundry in the rooms sink. Otherwise the night was okay, so at 9:00 I got up and got a nice, rich breakfast consisting of cereals, a croissant, a yogurt and a banana.…

  • Europe Trip Journal – Entry 8: Perpignan

    After spending the night in the hostel in Narbonne, I checked my phone for connections to Barcelona. One suggestion was to go from Narbonne to Port-Bou which is just a few kilometers from the border, already in Spain and to continue from there. During my ride on the train, I checked again and it suggested…

  • Europe Trip Journal – Entry 7: Mosquitos

    My next stop was Narbonne. Originally I wanted to go from Bordeaux directly to Spain, but there were no train connections. So instead the Interrail app recommended me to cross France to the East to go to Narbonne and then from there South to enter Spain. So that was the plan for today. Unfortunately the…